Kepler Electronics

The Kepler Electronics Wiki

 28th July 2023 at 5:21pm


This wiki was one of my main projects over Summer 2023. The original idea was to create a wiki that would house all of the information I have gathered on components for projects, and I've mostly avoided scope creep.

The wiki itself is part of and is hosted on Neocities. The wiki was created using Tiddlywiki, a non-linear notebook that allows one to write a page about a topic, and then link the topic to other topics. Each page can be exported as an HTML file, complete with links to every page referenced in the original page.

This wiki uses some special techniques to make sure that everything works properly on Neocities, such as inserting underscores into page titles, and using the Giffmex no title tiddler (a tiddler is the name for a single page in TiddlyWiki).